The Poetry of Pizza

By 826 Valencia

Illustration by Tony Manalo

In celebration of National Poetry Month, 826 Valencia is teaming up with pizza shops across San Francisco to share student writing on one of our favorite subjects: pizza! You'll find pizza-themed poems by 826 Valencia student authors attached to take-out boxes in each of our Pizza Poetry Patron locations, which you can find on our website here. Grab a slice and enjoy their delicious poem!

About Watermelon Pizza

Renata Zapien Espinoza, Age 6

Jose Ortega Elementary School

Watermelon pizza.

I like it 2,000.

It is better than cake!

To make it colorful you need food coloring.

It tastes soft.

You need some dough,

When the dough is ready you can put the squash from inside a tomato on top of it.

If you want to squash it you need to take the leaf off of it, if it has a leaf. 

Use a grownup so nothing goes in your eyeball. 

For the last one, 

You need watermelon and then you can eat it.

Latifah Al-Rabahi, Age 9

Yick Wo Elementary School 

Oh my cheesy pizza,

Oh my lumpy pizza,

Oh how oily you are

I will murder you and eat your family

Oh my fresh pizza,

Oh how fresh you are I shall eat you

You are so sizzly and hot

Oh how I will eat you

Oh my greasy pizza,

I will eat you

You shall perish in my stomach

Oh how think you are

I love you pizza,

Oh how bubbly you are cooking in the oven

My face smiles as I watch it cook.

Umayma’s Favorite Things

Umayma Radman, Age 11

Tenderloin Community School

Pizza it’s spicy. I love spicy food and pizza, it smells sweet 

as pineapple when my mom makes it.

I feel happy and hungry as a bear looking for honey.

Eid is a colorful day. I love Eid with my family.

When I’m sleeping, my mom wakes me up, “It’s Eid.” 

I wore my new clothes, and I went with my cousin to eat and play.

Golden Gate Park is big like an elephant.

When I visited, I heard a lot of noisy sounds like an ambulance.

I felt happy when I went to Golden Gate Park. 

826 Valencia

Whetstone is pleased to work with 826 Valencia, an organization that supports underserved students in creative and technical writing. We’ll be sharing student poems and pieces about food.


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